What are the functions of the dumbbell bench?
Chest exercises include: dumbbell bench press, dumbbell up-incline bench press, dumbbell down-incline bench press, dumbbell fly, dumbbell fly bird, dumbbell fly bird.
Back exercises include: rowing with one-handed dumbbells, lying prone.
The movements of shoulder exercise include: sitting dumbbell press, side-lying single-arm dumbbell lateral flat lifting.
Arm exercises include: sitting one-arm curl, supine dumbbell arm flexion and extension, sitting dumbbell neck flexion and extension.
Leg exercises are as follows: sitting dumbbell lift and rub.
Abdominal exercises include: sit-ups, calf bench sit-ups.
When protecting dumbbell exercises, the most important principle that should be followed is not to press or hold the position of the joints, otherwise it will greatly affect the exercise effect. It is very important to protect a joint during dumbbell exercises. It is best to practice with a friend when doing exercises. It is safe and can increase muscle stimulation, thus making greater progress.
Do not pursue the dumbbell bench function too much, but it is recommended that you buy an adjustable bench. The backrest should be able to be adjusted to a 30-degree angle and an angle close to vertical. This allows you to perform uphill bench presses and dumbbell presses. Pay attention to the seat part as well You need to be able to adjust it. When doing uphill presses, you need to tilt up, otherwise you will keep going down.